A special place on the web for keeping our family lines in a circle.
Welcome to Family Lines & Circles: The Harleys & Macnees
A Place to Experience Kith & Kin
Your KIN are all the people you are related to. The word KITH has two meanings. One definition means “familiar friends, neighbors, or relatives”, but in its earliest usage it also meant: “familiar country, one’s native land, or place that one knows.” With this project, I set out to gather information about our kin and kith. It is my hope that here in our very own corner of the internet, you get to experience both, our people and our places, with me, and that in doing so we can keep our family lines united in a circle.
What’s On This Site?
Harley Family Profiles
Here you’ll find Harley bios, stories, curiosities, and more.
AuntieShe’s Mythtories
Stories about the ancestors, the places they lived, and whatever else I learn about them.
Macnee Family Profiles
Here you’ll find bios, stories, and tidbits about the Macnee family tree.
Family Photo Album
Although I have very few photos of our ancestors, I have collected them here.
Family Tree
The family tree is in a ReUnion database appended to this website.
Ancestral Places
Take a visit to the places your ancestors lived and died, walked and worked.